Monthly Update – May 2024

Posted by: Umbrella Medical - Posted on:

Welcome to our monthly update for May 2024.

Here you can see some of our statistics for missed appointments (DNAs), patient feedback from our Friends and Family Test, and the traffic on our telephone lines for the last month.

Missed Appointments (DNAs)

Please remember to cancel your appointment if you no longer need it by replying CANCEL to your reminder text message, on your NHS app, or by phoning or visiting the practice.

If you don’t cancel your appointment, and choose not to attend, this means that we can’t offer your booked time to someone else who needs it.

It will also be marked on your record as a DNA (Did Not Attend). If you have several DNAs, this could result in a breakdown of trust between you and your GP, which ultimately could lead to you being removed from the practice list.

Wasted appointments means unwell patients aren’t able to be seen.

Please, help us help you.

Total number of missed appointments for:

Doctors: 206

Advanced Nurses (ANPs) & Pharmacists: 64

Nurses & Healthcare Assistants (HCAs): 230

Physiotherapists & Audiologists: 34

TOTAL: 534

Our GP practice team now includes a range of healthcare professionals who are highly skilled and knowledgeable in the areas they specialise in and are able to diagnose and treat a variety of health conditions.

For further information about GP extended healthcare teams, please click here.

Total number of missed appointments for:

Doctors: 53

Advanced Nurses (ANPs) & Pharmacists: 16

Nurses & Healthcare Assistants (HCAs): 64

Physiotherapists: 3

TOTAL: 136

Our GP practice team now includes a range of healthcare professionals who are highly skilled and knowledgeable in the areas they specialise in and are able to diagnose and treat a variety of health conditions.

For further information about GP extended healthcare teams, please click here.

Total number of missed appointments for:

Doctors: 37

Advanced Nurses (ANPs) & Pharmacists: 7

Nurses & Healthcare Assistants (HCAs): 43

Mental Health & Physiotherapists: 5


Our GP practice team now includes a range of healthcare professionals who are highly skilled and knowledgeable in the areas they specialise in and are able to diagnose and treat a variety of health conditions.

For further information about GP extended healthcare teams, please click here.

Total number of missed appointments for:

Doctors: 45

Advanced Nurses (ANPs) & Pharmacists: 42

Nurses & Healthcare Assistants (HCAs): 93

Physiotherapists: 13

TOTAL: 193

Our GP practice team now includes a range of healthcare professionals who are highly skilled and knowledgeable in the areas they specialise in and are able to diagnose and treat a variety of health conditions.

For further information about GP extended healthcare teams, please click here.

Friends and Family Test Results

Thank you for your feedback on our services, we are listening.

Please see some of the frequent comments we receive, and some behind the scenes information on our feedback page.

Overall, how was your experience of our service?

More than 90% of patients said our services were either Very Good or Good.
HMC FFT May 2024
Why did you answer that?

• Doctor Sood was very informative and helpful in explaining what I can do with my condition. She listened to my worries and went through everything with me. A Excellent Doctor 

• From making the appointment and then arriving and signing in, all was good and within a few minutes I was called to see the doctor, I found it a very efficient and friendly service 

• The paediatric nurse that I was wonderful. Very helpful and knowledgeable. Kind and approachable. I am happy she looked at my baby
Overall, how was your experience of our service?

More than 85% of patients said our services were either Very Good or Good.
MF FFT May 2024
Why did you answer that?

• Dr Lee was excellent again you feel confident with him as your doctor always goes that little extra to help with the problem 

• Dr. Rasa is the most kindest caring dr I have ever come across she has nothing but time to listen and make you feel at ease and not rushed. 

• Appointment right on time and doctor was very understanding and pro active.
Overall, how was your experience of our service?

More than 85% of patients said our services were either Very Good or Good.
HP FFT May 2024
Why did you answer that?

•  Excellent from start to finish. Appointment on time. Thorough consultation. Lovely staff.

•  Receptionist very helpful and I saw the nurse who was really good both of the above were brilliant thank you so much 

•  I always have a good service from this practice, and the person l seen was helpful and gave good advice.
Overall, how was your experience of our service?

More than 85% of patients said our services were either Very Good or Good.
BMC FFT May 2024
Why did you answer that?

•  Great service as always! I was treated with respect and dignity. Very informative and professional whilst still personable and friendly 

•  Receptionist friendly and efficient.  Dr appointment on time, knowledgeable and reassuring. 

• I have recently moved to this doctor’s and my experience has been exceptional.

Telephone Lines

Our telephone system allows us to monitor all calls in and out of the practice. These statistics are monitored on a daily basis.

All calls made from and received by the practice are recorded for medico/legal purposes.

We apologise if you are kept waiting. Our staff work very hard to answer your calls as soon as they are able to, alongside their long list of other responsibilities in their reception role.

If you need to contact the practice and are finding it difficult to get through on the phone, or don’t have time to wait in the call queue, please consider submitting an online request. You can contact us about a medical, administrative or prescription issue, and will receive a response within 2 working days.

Total calls into the practice: 11,407

Total calls answered: 10,082 (88%)

Total calls answered in under 5 minutes: 7,591 (75%)

If you need to contact us by phone, we recommend that you call during our less busy times.
These are usually between 12pm (noon) to 2pm and 4pm to 6.30pm

Our busiest time was 8am to 9am with 2,996 total calls
HMC CALLS May 2024
Total calls into the practice: 2,925

Total calls answered: 2,751 (94%)

Total calls answered in under 5 minutes: 1,850 (67%)

If you need to contact us by phone, we recommend that you call during our less busy times.
These are usually between 12pm (noon) to 2pm and 4pm to 6.30pm

Our busiest time was 8am to 9am with 675 total calls
MF CALLS May 2024
Total calls into the practice: 2,488

Total calls answered: 2,352 (95%)

Total calls answered in under 5 minutes: 1,930 (82%)

If you need to contact us by phone, we recommend that you call during our less busy times.
These are usually between 12pm (noon) to 2pm and 4pm to 6.30pm

Our busiest time was 8am to 9am with 632 total calls
HP CALLS May 2024

Contact us online

You can contact us about a medical, administrative or prescription issue by clicking here. Or directly through the NHS App.

How to use the online form

  • Click on the “Contact us online” button
  • Select either admin or medical request
  • Confirm this is a non urgent request
  • Write the request to the practice, giving as much information as possible
  • Tell the practice how you want to be contacted
  • Enter your details
  • Press submit!

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