Healthwatch Walsall – Patient Experience

Posted by: Umbrella Medical - Posted on:

Healthwatch Walsall is the local independent voice for the public in health and social care services. We find out what matters to people and make sure their views are heard by the people who make the decisions about those services.

Healthwatch is asking for your feedback on services in Walsall:

Cancer Services

Have you accessed cancer services in Walsall?

We want to hear your feedback about the treatment and care you received.

Do you think hospital staff did their best to take care or you?

Did you have full confidence and trust in the team looking after you?

These are just some of the things we want to hear about. Help us to improve patient experiences by sharing your thoughts with us.

Our project will give patients the chance to talk about the treatment and care they received, waiting times, communication and more.

If you want to get involved and share your thoughts on cancer services in Walsall, contact our project lead:

Loretta Higgins

Via phone, email, text or voice note

07732 683 449

Take part in the survey

Urology Services

If you have used Walsall Urology Services in the last 18 months we would like to hear from you

Please take part in a short survey.

We will also arrange focus group meetings to listen to your service experiences. So get involved!

Take part in the survey

Or if you need help completing the survey call us on 0800 470 1660

Pharmacy First

Pharmacy First feedback required

Engaging Communities Solutions CIC (ECS) are the providers of local Healthwatch in Bedform Borough, Halton, Sandwell, Stoke-on-Trent, Telford and Wrekin, Walsall and Warrington.

We are carrying out a survey across all seven areas about people’s knowledge and experiences of Pharmacy First services that were launched in 2024.

We ask that if you have used these services you take part and share your knowledge and experiences.

Take part in the survey

0800 470 1660