Mossley Fields Surgery Team

We aim to provide patients with the choice of any available clinician for routine appointments, and we are happy to accommodate requests for a female or male clinician where this is a preference. However, during periods of staff sickness, annual leave, or other exceptional circumstances, the choice of clinician may be limited.
For urgent appointments and emergencies, patients must accept that they will need to see the clinician who is available at that time to ensure timely care.
Please also note that while patients may request a specific clinician, requests based on race, ethnicity, or other protected characteristics are not appropriate and could be considered discriminatory. We strive to maintain an inclusive and respectful environment for both patients and staff.



Mr. Greg Bloom

Managing Partner

MSc Education, PGCE, BSc Nursing Studies, DipHe Nursing Studies.


Dr. Bhavna Sood

GP Partner

MBBS, MRCGP, DRCOG, BMedSci Qualified in Nottingham 2008


Dr. Ryan Hobson

GP Partner

MBBS, BSc, Genetic Diploma Surgical Science MRCGP Qualified in London 2007


Dr. Dinesh Gunputh

GP Partner

BSc (Hons) MSc, MBBS, MRCGP, Qualified 2008 British West Indies


Dr. Matthew Dugas

GP Partner

BSc (Hons) MBChB, DRCOG, Qualified in Birmingham 1991


Dr. Raj Rani

GP Partner



Dr. Sarah Garsed

GP Partner



Dr. Martin Stevens

GP Partner

MBChB University of Birmingham 2001, MRCGP 2005

Dr. Amrit Khera

GP Partner

MBChC MSC in Primary Care & Research Methods MRCGP.

Clinical Team

Doctors (GP)

Assessing, diagnosing & monitoring complex conditions

Performing thorough examinations

Prescribing medicines

Carrying out emergency care if needed

Supporting other members of the primary care team

Dr Rasa Pabrinkiene

Salaried GP

MBBS 2001, MRCGP 2016

Dr Shazia Shah

Sessional GP

MBBS 2001, MRCGP 2016

Dr Tim Lee

Salaried GP

MBChB , MRCGP, DRCOG Qualified University of Birmingham 2012

Clinical Pharmacists

Providing information and advice about the safe & effective use of medications

Monitoring progress with medication & making medication change suggestions if needed

Recognising untreated health conditions that could be managed with medication

Meet our clinical pharmacist – working alongside GPs to meet patients’ needs – YouTube

Amandeep Shergill

Lead Clinical Pharmacist

MPharm PGCert

Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP)

Diagnosis & treating illnesses & ailments

Requesting and interpreting Blood tests, Xray and ECGs

Arranging admissions or referral to hospital if necessary

Make plans for managing long term health conditions

Give advice and information about your health

Prescribing medicines

What does an Advanced Practitioner do? (


Janine Grew

Nurse Manager

Practice Nurses

Treating wound, applying/removing dressings & providing emergency first aid

Giving advice & information about health conditions & ailments

Taking swabs, smears and samples

Carrying out heart tracings or breathing tests

Administering vaccinations & infant injections

Meet our general practice nurse – working alongside GPs to meet patients’ needs – YouTube

Lisa Holmes

Practice Nurse

Healthcare Assistant (HCAs)

Measuring blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen levels & other observations

Carrying out heart tracings or breathing tests

Offering advice on managing healthy living & weight loss

Supporting the nurses & GPs in their work

Taking blood samples


Healthcare Assistant

Non-Clinical Team

Management Team


Mr Greg Bloom

Group Practice Manager

MSc Education, PGCE, BSc Nursing Studies, DipHe Nursing Studies.


Julia Moore

Deputy Group Practice Manager

BA (Hons) European Business Studies, HDip in Administrative Procedures

Carly Sutton

Locality Manager

Lavina Rani

Locality Manager


Receptionists are trained to assess your needs so that they can direct you to the right healthcare professional.

To do this they will;

– Take some general details about why you have contacted the surgery
– Help navigate you through health care services & systems

The GP is not always the best person to help you.

Our receptionists will take your name on arrival, answer your phone calls, make appointments and answer your questions as well as a long list of other responsibilities. They are here to help you but their job is extremely demanding, so please help them by understanding the problems they face when trying to please everyone. They aim to be pleasant and courteous at all times.

They may sometimes need to ask for some medical details if your problem can be dealt with by speaking to one of our clinicians on the telephone, but they will always treat what you say with the utmost confidentiality.


Reception manager











Administration Support Team

Denise Guest

Clinical Summariser Manager

Magdy Samy

Clinical Summariser

Liz Britton

Clinical Summariser

Heather Jewkes

Clinical Summariser

Charlotte Hill

Clinical Summariser / Communications Lead

Health Care Team

How can a Midwife help you?

The regular antenatal clinics are held by the Community Midwives. All consultations are by appointment only.

Tel: 01922 721 172 and ask for the midwifery team at the switchboard

How can a Health Visitor help you?

Offering support during the transition into parenthood
Providing support & advice on breast feeding, infant feeding & healthy eating for young children
Assessing children’s growth & development needs at various stages
Promoting the best start in speech, language & communication

For full details of health visiting clinics run across the borough, please click here

If you need advice, or have any concerns about your child, you can contact the service via the contact details below.
This service is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Calls and texts are responded to within the same day.

Tel: 01922 603 074
Text: 07520 634909

Health for Under 5s | For healthy, happy early years
Health for Under 5’s is a website which has lots of information about your child’s health and development.

Walsall Healthy Child App
The Walsall Healthy Child app provides information about childhood wellbeing and common illness. This can be downloaded from the app store on your phone.
Google Play: Walsall Healthy Child – Apps on Google Play
Apple Store: Walsall Healthy Child on the App Store
How can a School Nurse help your child?

Advice and support about a range of health issues including relationships and sexual health, emotional health and well-being, healthy weight and exercise, Behaviour Management Groups for parents, Self-esteem and confidence building groups for children and young people
ChatHealth Texting Service for young people aged 11+
ChatHealth Texting Service for parents and carers
HealthforKids and HealthforTeens websites
Safeguarding children and supporting children and their families in need of additional help. (We work with a range of other agencies to provide this support)
Enuresis (bedwetting) clinic
Support for children and young people with continence problems
Supporting children with medical and additional needs

For full details, please click here

Tel: 01922 423349
Text: 07480 635 363 (Young people can access our service for confidential advice by texting a school nurse)
Post: School Nursing Service, Harden Health Centre, Harden Road, Walsall. WS3 1ET
How can a Community Nurse help you?

Our District Nurses work closely with the doctor in providing nursing care and treatment home. They are also able to give advice regarding care and convalescence after discharge from hospital.

Tel: 01922 604 920 option 2
Our Diabetic Nurse is Andrea Hewines

How can a Community Diabetic Nurse help you?

The aim of the Diabetes Service is to provide education and professional support in the management of diabetes to individuals with diabetes, their carers and healthcare professionals.

Diabetes (Community) – Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
Referral is via a GP or healthcare professional only.

Diabetes and me – Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust

Page last reviewed: 23 December 2024